For Windows Developers who need to advanced media player with overlay text, image in c#, , vb, delphi, vfp, access. It support flv (include flv decoder) , AVCHD (m2ts, ts) (include AVCHD decoder), F4V (for Flash player 9.5 ) (include F4V decoder), vob, mpeg2 (include mpeg2, vob decoder), AMR, Mov, M4a, M4v, Mp4 with aac audio, 3gp with amr audio, Avi, Wmv (window media video), asf, RM (need rm decoder), MPEG-1, DAT , ASF, WAV, MP3, MID File formats and draw Overlay text and bitmap on video in same time.
Target : MoviePlayer.ocx Version : 6.8 (last version) License : Trial Company : Viscom Software, Inc Provider : Protect : No ˆ
Tools :
- OllyDbg v1.10
- Borland Delphi 5, 6, 7 (recommend)
- Visual Basic
Skill :
- Programmer
- Cracker
- Logic
- Level : Hard
System Requirements:
- DirectX 9 or above runtime
- QuickTime Player (if you want to playback mov, mp4, 3gp)
- Support AVCHD (m2ts, ts) (include AVCHD decoder), F4V (for Flash player 9.5 ) (include F4V decoder), flv (include flv decoder) , vob, mpeg2 (include mpeg2, vob decoder), AMR, Mov, M4a, M4v, Mp4 with aac audio, 3gp with amr audio, Avi, Wmv (window media video), asf, RM (need rm decoder), MPEG-1, DAT , ASF, WAV, MP3, MID File formats.
- Fast AVCHD decoder, Support Real-time, high resolution AVCHD 1920×1080 video playback and Deinterlace field interpolation.
Video Color Adjustment, contrast, brightness, invert color, saturate, hue, lightness. - Load video from memory, Byte Array.
- Allow display secondary video window, displaying two video window in same time, display pic in pic effect, adjust floating popup window’s position.
- Allow select different audio renderer / audio device when playback.
WMV, ASF, WMA support change playback rate. - Including vob, flv, mpeg2, mov, mp4, m4v, 3gp decoder (Do not need download third party codec pack, some third party codec pack is illegal) .
- Overlay text and bitmap on video in same time.
- Multi-Line Scrolling text on video.
- Video Mixing, you can mixing multiple video and playback in same time. User define alpha channel, the area of video layer.
Allow change the audio pitch to male, female, child voices. Useful for karaoke software. - Allow change the audio tempo to speed up or slow down the song.
Change the audio tempo , it can speed up or slow down the wmv or asf playback rate. - Draw Overlay text on video . User define scrolling type, alpha value, font size, font name, text color, background color, transparent color.
- Draw Overlay image from disk or byte array on video. User define scrolling type, alpha value, transparent color.
- Audio channel selection.( both, left, right channel).
- Custom define cursor on video.
- Custom Playback rate. normal playback speed, half speed, twice speed, etc.
- Custom View, Full Screen, Double Size.
- Allow define specific keyboard key or mouse button to clear the full screen.
- Fully Control Sound Volume.
- Fast Snapshot to BMP, JPG, GIF, TIF, PNG from movie files.(MOV, MP4, 3GP,DIVX, AVI, WMV, MPEG-1, MPEG-2, ASF).
- Snapshot to memory( Picture Box, HBITMAP handle ) from movie files.(MOV, MP4, 3GP,DIVX, AVI, WMV, MPEG-1, MPEG-2, ASF).
- Adjust MPEG1 Audio Channel.
- Aspect Ratio Control.
- Playback events.
- Video/Audio file information.(duration, video height,video width)
- User Define Display area.
- Include c# 2005 sample, VB.Net 2005 sample, VB.Net 2003 sample, Visual Basic sample, Visual C sample, Visual Foxpro sample, Delphi sample and Web Page sample.
- Compatible with any programming language that supports ActiveX (Access, Visual C , Visual Basic , Visual Foxpro, Delphi, .Net, etc.)
- Royalty free distribution of the OCX file.
Dengan demikian, kita tidak memerlukan software-software lainnya, seperti: cyberlink power dvd, flv player, dll. Cukup dengan komponen ini kita bisa membuat media player dan dapat memutar file apa saja (kecuali *.swf), serta dapat di compile dengan Access, Visual C, Visual Basic, Visual FoxPro, Delphi, .Net, dll. Program ini Trial Version, dan jika anda ingin yang Full Version berarti anda hendak membelinya.
I. Instalasi Target
- Sebelumnya anda download dulu program tersebut, lalu install.
- Jalankan Program Delphi , Visual Basic, dll. Tetapi di sini saya menggunakan Borland Delphi 7.
- Pilih menu “Component” ? Klik “Import ActiveX Control”
- Pilih “Movie Player Pro ActiveX Control (Version 1.0)”
- Klik “Install” ? Klik “Ok” ? Klik “Yes”. Lalu muncul berupa informasi bahwa komponen MOVIEPLAYERLib_TLB.TMoviePlayer telah registered, Klik “Ok”.
- Tutup Program Delphinya.
- Lalu kita menuju ke directory C:\Program Files\Movie Player Pro ActiveX Control\Examples\Delphi\
- Setelah itu klik 2x “movieplayeractivex.dpr”.
- Lalu, pilih menu “Project” ? Klik “Build movieplayeractivex”
- Lalu jalankan program tersebut. Tunggu berapa saat dan muncul popup pesan (perhatikan Gambar).Error message
II. Analisa Target
Setelah di build dan di jalankan, ternyata program tersebut memuncul pesan (lihat Bagian 1, point j) dan menambahkan registery berupa informasi tanggal expired dari program tersebut (perhatikan Gambar)
Registry Editor
Dari sinilah kita mendapatkan informasi tentang program Trial tersebut. Dan kedua hal itu, yang akan kita disable atau dimatikan.
III. Cracking Target
III.1 Disable Penulisan Registry
- Jalankan Program OllyDbg v1.10.
- Pilih menu “file” ? klik “open” ? Pilih “MoviePlayer.ocx”, yang di directory C:\Program Files\Movie Player Pro ActiveX Control\. Jika tidak muncul ganti “files of type” menjadi “Any File (*.*)” ? Klik “Yes”
- Klik kanan di sebarang tempat, pilih “search for” ? klik “all referenced text strings”
- Pertama kita cari kata “driveid”, tepatnya di bawah kata “MV0012368”, seperti terlihat di gambar No.2. Lalu, klik 2x.
- Kita ke bagian atas (lihat Gambar)
- Klik 2x tepat di atas string tersebut, lalu ganti dengan string ini “JMP 1000A649”, hilangkan tanda (V) pada “Fill with Nop’s”, setelah itu klik “assemble”
- Kita kembali ke point C.
- Lalu kita cari lagi kata “driveid”, tepatnya di atas kata “Movie Player Pro ActiveX Demo …” Lalu, klik 2x.
- Kita ke bagian atas (lihat Gambar)
- Kedua string tersebut, kita ganti dengan string ini “JMP 1000A639”, setelah itu klik “assemble”.
- Kita kembali ke point C.
- Lalu kita cari kata “This demo version already expired, order from”, tepat di bawah kata “UseVideoColor”. Lalu klik 2x.
- Kita ke bagian atas (lihat Gambar)
- Ganti dengan string ini “JMP SHORT 1000B403”, lalu klik “assamble”
III.2 Disable Pop-up message
- Kembali ke no. 3.1, point C
- Lalu kita cari kata “Full version order from”, tepat di bawah kata “%d”. lalu, klik 2x.
- Kita ke bagian atas (lihat Gambar)
- Ganti dengan string ini “JMP 1000BD8F”, lalu klik “assamble”
- Klik kanan di sembarang tempat, pilih “copy to executable” ? klik “all modifications” ? klik “copy all”
- Klik kanan di sembarang tempat, pilih “save file” ? klik “save”
IV. Mision Complete!
Setelah selesai melakukan cracking terhadap program tersebut, selanjutnya coba anda jalankan program yang sudah di build tadi dengan nama “movieplayeractivex.exe” (lihat No.1), yang berada di directory C:\Program Files\Movie Player Pro ActiveX Control\Examples\Delphi\.
Hasilnya kedua hal tersebut yang sudah kita crack tidak muncul kembali.
Saya telah membuat media player dari komponen tersebut dengan desain sederhana, tentunya terprotect dan memiliki expired. Jika anda tertarik, silahkan download [DISINI].
- E-mail : ray_stv29{~@~}
- URL :
- Name : RaY-29
My Inspiration :
- Yogyafree
- Jasakom
- Coder
- Manado Coding
- spyroZONE.NET
- All Community In UnderGround
Special Thank’s :
- Team Cracker
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